Digital clock swf file download
Digital clock swf file download

I'll better change that then.īTW - I've added doubleclick support now: single click changes image / doubleclicks opens the image's page. Yes that's right, I currently use the tag and not the group. Only using images in the One Digit pool would stop this happening. This could lead to all sorts of images popping up. I think this probably means that any image on Flickr tagged with "onedigit" is being used rather than just the images in the One Digit pool. I've just noticed that some of my images that are tagged "onedigit" but are not in the One Digit pool are being used by the clock. pressing the spacebar will toggle the display of image title + link I just have to figure the best way to do it so it doesn't conflict with the "click to change the current image" function. Yes, that sounds like a good addition and fair towards the photographers. Maybe you could add a feature where hovering over a number makes a link appear above it, or something. Hey, here's another thing you could try: it would be nice if there were some way to get back to the original Flickr image page, if you see a photo that you like. Okay - I've fixed that bug now and exclude all "onedigitsmall" pictures. Thanks for the encouragement - and yes I will implement the "onedigitsmall" feature. The second hand keeps ticking, but when it goes from :59 to :00, the minute hand doesn't change. I just noticed something weird though: it seems to have gotten stuck at 1am (01:00:xx). Otherthings (a group admin) edited this topic ages ago. One suggestion for improvement: when you're loading the images, you could ignore any that are tagged with "onedigitsmall", which indicates that the numeral is too small to read clearly in the thumbnail.

digital clock swf file download

Also, I love how you can click on any of the digits to substitute a different image. It's strangely fascinating to watch the numbers go by, and there are really very few repeats. I like the subtle shading on the little lozenges.

digital clock swf file download

I think this is my favorite of all the clock widgets so far. Here's a clock widget built with Flash 8 that uses the onedigit images to display the time: Clockr

Digital clock swf file download